The Dean of Students Office is committed to creating a culture of care by assisting any student who may be experiencing transition, academic or personal difficulty as well as any crisis or emergency situation. Our staff is trained to listen, discuss options, provide support and make appropriate referrals. If you find yourself dealing with an issue that is impacting your academic experience, the Dean of Students staff is available to provide assistance. Appointments may be made by contacting us at (336) 334-5514 or scheduling a Care Meeting online.

Our staff will often make referrals to Counseling and Psychological Services.

Contact us if you…

  • Need assistance understanding or navigating a University policy or Grievance Process
  • Searching for options or need support for current academic or personal situation
  • Need coaching on how to communicate with faculty or staff
  • Are concerned about another student’s well-being
  • Are unsure who else to contact about a question or concern

You might hear from us if we…

  • Are concerned about your health or well-being
  • Receive contact from a parent or family member regarding concerns about you
  • We receive a report that you are experiencing a potentially distressing circumstance

Our Mission

The mission of the Dean of Students Office is to initiate learner-centered programs and services that foster a culture of care conducive to academic and personal development.

our vision

The Dean of Students Office, in the Division of Student Affairs, works with students, their families, faculty and staff to create a culture of care in which students feel supported and empowered to succeed.

our core values

An academic community of integrity advances the quest for truth and knowledge by requiring intellectual and personal honesty in learning, teaching, research, activities, and service. Cultivating honesty lays the foundation for lifelong integrity, developing in each of us the courage and insight to make difficult choices and accept responsibility for our actions and their consequences, even at a personal cost.

An academic community of integrity fosters a climate of trust, encourages the free exchange of ideas, and enables all to reach their highest potential. Only with trust can we believe in and rely on others and move forward as a community. Within an environment of trust, we can collaborate with individuals, sharing information and ideas without fear that our work or property will be stolen, our career stunted, or our reputations diminished. Through trust, our communities can believe in the social value and meaning of an institutions’ scholarship and degrees.

An academic community of integrity establishes clear standards, practices, and procedures and expects fairness in the interactions of students, faculty, and administrators. For students, important components of fairness are predictability, clear expectations, and a consistent and just response to dishonesty. Faculty and administrators also have a right to expect fair treatment, not only from students but also from colleagues and the administration.

An academic community of integrity recognizes the participatory nature of the learning process and honors and respects a wide range of opinions, ideas, and cultures.

An academic community of integrity upholds personal accountability and depends upon action in the face of wrongdoing. Every member of an academic community — each student, faculty member, and administrator — is responsible for upholding the integrity of the community.

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