UNCG’s CARE Team is an interdisciplinary unit responsible for holistically supporting students by identifying, assessing, and responding to distressing academic, emotional, and/or life challenges. UNCG’s CARE Team promotes a Culture of Care through assessment, outreach, and education.
- Help promote a safe and supportive physical and emotional environment for members of the campus community.
- Identify, assess, and intervene with individuals who are struggling.
- Provide support and resources to community members who are concerned for another individual.
- Review campus trends to make informed decisions around student success and well-being.
departments represented:
- Dean of Students
- Counseling and Psychological Services
- Campus Violence Response Center
- UNCG Police/Clery Compliance
- Housing & Residential Life
- Student’s First Office
- Office of Accessibility Resources & Services
- Campus Programs & Activities
- Title IX
How to make referrals
- Starfish Report
- Concerning Behavior Report